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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Peace & Quiet!

Property Location: 8 Urallie Place MOREE - 0 - NSW

Listing Id: 21311843  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 3    Garages: 2   


Size: 1280 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Moree Real Estate have listed for sale this immaculate timber home on the Mehi River in Greenbah. Comprising a high level of amenity and comfort, which has been tastefully renovated by the current owner, this home is well suited to either a family or retiree looking for something ready to move straight into. This home is sure to tick all the boxes! Book an inspection today.

House Features
- Four bedrooms - all with built-in storage
- En-suite to main & guest bedrooms - recently renewed
- Modern kitchen with island bench & freestanding SMEG oven
- Dining area with bi-folds opening out to gauzed timber deck
- Huge lounge room with split system a/c
- Main bathroom plus external laundry
- Covered front patio area with remote access front door
- Home has been extensively renovated and updated throughout

Yard Features
- Private 1,280m block, rear fenced with frontage to Mehi River
- Easy low maintenance gardens, established lawns with hedges & trees
- Remote access double lock up garage
- 3KW solar panels & security cameras
- Low traffic street - quiet location!

Peace & Quiet!

Contact Moree Real Estate Today!!!

Contact Alexander Bailey (Sandy)
Phone 0406 109 492

Property ID:21311843
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