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"Muldoon" - Production & Efficiency

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Real Estate Australia

Institutional Grade Dryland Cropping and Grazing
For Sale - EOI

Property Location: Terlings & Dundenoon MOREE - 0 - NSW

Listing Id: 21326237  


Size: 3260 Hectare Approx  

Description: MRE in conjunction with LAWD are pleased to present Terlings & Dundenoon (the Aggregation), an institutional grade dryland cropping and grazing opportunity situated in the renowned 'Golden Triangle' of New South Wales, 48* kilometres northeast of Moree.
The Aggregation comprises two non-contiguous land holdings (three* kilometres apart), Terlings 1,860ha* and Dundenoon 1,400ha*, offered in-one-line or separate assets.

Key investment highlights
• Efficient cropping operation (73%* arable), designed for winter and summer cropping rotations
• Complementary mix of black, brown and red self-mulching clay soils
• Productive balance of pastureland & sheltered timbered grazing areas ideal for livestock breeding systems and agistment opportunities
• Reliable water supply from multiple surface dams, double frontage to the Nee Nee Creek and an Artesian bore (Kiga Bore) which supplies a reticulated closed loop system for spray water plus stock and domestic use
• Potential for biodiversity offsets, preliminary studies by the Biodiversity Conservation Trust have identified unique environmental habitats, for Koalas and endangered ecological communities which have the potential to provide ecological financial benefits. Subdividing the environmental area to suit specific buyers requirements will be considered
• Fit-for-purpose operational infrastructure for cropping and grazing enterprises including cattle yards, 550t* in elevated grain storage, 1,200t* grain bunker, multiple machinery sheds & haysheds
• Accommodation includes a the historic seven-bedroom Terling homestead and five bedroom "Queenslander" style Homestead at Dundenoon.
• Newell Highway frontage, 48* kilometres northeast of Moree, 76* kilometres south west of Goondiwindi and 425* kilometres south west of Brisbane

Terlings & Dundenoon is being offered for sale by Expression of Interest, closing 10am 28 August 2024. For full details please contact the selling agents.

Institutional Grade Dryland Cropping and Grazing
For Sale - EOI

Contact Moree Real Estate Today!!!

Contact Alexander Bailey (Sandy)
Phone 0406 109 492

Property ID:21326237
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