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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

11,000+ Acres And 7km Of Secluded Beachfront
Offers To Purchase

Property Location: Lot 151 Coventry Road, Cape Upstart GUTHALUNGRA - - QLD

Listing Id: L29717298  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 2   


Size: 11000 Acre Approx  

Description: Imagine a peninsula of over 11,000 totally private acres with seven km of sandy ocean beachfront facing cool trade winds and the Great Barrier Reef. A property bounded north and south by National Park and on the East and West by the ocean itself. The property, named by Captain Cook, is called Cape Upstart in the Whitsunday Shire of Queensland, Australia.

The seven kilometres of freehold, non-tidal sandy beach is the largest of it's kind between the Whitsundays and Cairns. The beachfront size is roughly the same length as Whitehaven Beach!

Access to Cape Upstart is an easy 5/10 minute drive, with wide and level road access from the Guthalungra turn off at the Bruce Highway.

This land opportunity is incredible and the property includes everything you need to call Cape Upstart home, including:
- Small 3 bed 2 bath home with power, septic, phone and internet
- 12 km of graded roads
- Fresh water spring-fed catchment, two reservoirs and a gravity fed water system
- Sixteen 8,000 gallon holding tanks and 2 miles of water conduit
- Caravan park site with shower and toilet block and a rodeo ground
- Large lake, attracting over 100 varieties of birds including black swans, ibis, cockatoos, lorikeets, jabirus and brolgas

Cape Upstart has a remote feel but is directly off the Bruce Highway between Bowen and Ayr. The nearest airports are at Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine) and Townsville, each around 1 1/2 hours drive.

For more details about this amazing parcel of land please contact Mark Beale Ray White Whitsunday on 0404 498 790 or email

11,000+ Acres And 7km Of Secluded Beachfront
Offers To Purchase

Contact Ray White Whitsunday Today!!!

Contact Mark Beale
Phone 0404498790

Property ID:L29717298
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