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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Large House, Flat Block, Sea Views... What More Do You Want?
For Sale Now

Property Location: 11 Woomerah Street CANNONVALE - - QLD

Listing Id: L22692203  


Bedrooms: 5    Bathrooms: 2   


Size: 903 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Well there is actually plenty more! This huge, very solidly built home has an upstairs / downstairs configuration; with three bedrooms on each level, including the large converted garage area which could also be used as an entertaining area or switched back to its original function. There is a large amount of secured parking space at the front of the property, and a large flat rear yard with side vehicle access that could easily fit a pool - with plenty more space still to offer.

The brick home also features a kitchenette downstairs with full kitchen up top, and multiple balcony areas from where to enjoy your views across Cannonvale to the azure blue water beyond. There is also solar with a battery in place to make the most of our sunny Queensland weather; and plenty of room for boats, trailers and toys in the yard for the same reason!

The property is currently being rented for $1,400 per week and is in a very quiet, central part of Cannonvale which would also be an ideal spot for an owner occupier. There is not much around that offers this much in the one home, so organise to inspect with Simon to see how much value is available here now!

Large House, Flat Block, Sea Views... What More Do You Want?
For Sale Now

Contact Ray White Whitsunday Today!!!

Contact Simon Dymmott
Phone 0400799788

Property ID:L22692203
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